How to Get on an Electrical Apprenticeship Program in Virginia

If there’s a career that will never go out of style, it’s being an electrician. Statistics show that this well-paying industry only continues to grow. If you’re interested in this career field, it’s time to apply for an electrical apprenticeship in Virginia. Let’s go over how to get into an electrical apprenticeship program and grow your career. 

Decide on an Electrical School

The first step is to decide on which electrical school you want to attend. There are two electrical apprenticeship programs in Virginia that stand out: Richmond JATC and IEC Chesapeake. 

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Let’s explore what these programs offer. 

Richmond JATC

The Richmond JATC electrical apprenticeship in Virginia is a union program. This four-year course has attractive benefits. For instance, candidates will work with certified JATC approved electrical contractors and get hands-on experience. JATC is a national certification, meaning graduates can work via any national IBEW union. This program also includes family health insurance, retirement benefits, and a fair wage (all while studying!).

IEC Chesapeake

The IEC Chesapeake electrical apprenticeship in Virginia is a non-union program. You will partake in an “earn while you learn” structure as the course combines classroom learning with hands-on experience. There are a variety of programs to choose from like:

A four-year electrical apprenticeship program

An E-Apprenticeship program

A three-year telecommunication’s technician program

IEC courses are radically more affordable than a college degree. Currently, you will pay $13,960 per four-year program. IEC partners with association member electricians, so you will likely be working with one of these companies. Keep in mind that companies often reimburse some or all of your tuition fees. 

The Application Process

Each school’s requirements are different; however, you need to be 17 years old to apply and 18 years old to participate. Any school you want to attend will require you to fill out an application form with supporting documents. These docs include your driver’s license, social security, all previous education transcripts, GED scores, and a DD-214 form if you’re a military veteran.

Successful applicants are invited to attend an aptitude test, where reading and mathematics proficiencies are tested. If you pass this, you will be invited for an interview. Please note that every school has a slightly different application process, so get in touch with their admissions office to learn more.

Apply for an Electrical Apprenticeship in Virginia Today!

When it comes to an electrical apprenticeship in Virginia, the JATC and IEC programs are top. If you fulfill application requirements and work hard, one of them could be the key to your future.

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Jason Lucas