Arcing Time
Definition: The time between instant of separation of the CB contacts and the instant of arc excitation.
Related Links
Arcing time | Article about arcing time by The Free Dictionary
I²t Curves and Operating Times for Fuses | PowerGuru – Power Electronics Information Portal
IEC 60050 – International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Details for IEV number 441-17-37: “arcing time (of a pole or a fuse)”
Electric fuses operation, a review: 1. Pre-arcing period – IOPscience
Figure 7. Evolution of ( a) the pre-arcing time, ( b) the arcing time, ( c) the extinction time and ( d) the pre-arcing time to arcing time ratio versus the closing angle. × correspond to simulated pre-arcing times. | Scientific Diagram
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Arcing in Time Series view
Arcing power lines and outages during ice storm - St. Louis, December 1, 2006
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